Photoshoot - Amy: "Tor" of Guildford

It's been a hectic week, and Sunday was a chance to relax in the sunshine. After a quick drive down the A3 into Guildford, Surrey I found myself at 'The Mount' with its idyllic views across the entire town. Never one for being without my camera, it made for a great panoramic image with Guildford Cathedral situated in the centre (You can see this image in the gallery). Accompanied by Amy, it was a chance to grab a few images of her enjoying the great British weather. She makes a gorgeous model, right? :)

I particularly like this image, shot on a tight F22 aperture to give the sun that distinctive look (note the number of points minus one can tell you how many blades your aperture is made up of) and lit with a single 580EX II in a shoot through umbrella camera right triggered via the ST-E2 transmitter.

For a full gallery of Amy and my trip to Guildford Mount feel free to click here.