
New Website -

Yesterday saw the launch of a new website which is now mobile friendly! Taking a look at recent analytic stats and market trends, the increase in use of mobile devices used to access websites is ever-increasing. With the old website being built using flash it limited who could view the site. In comes the launch of the new site whereby the usability across different platforms has increased dramatically. Almost 50% of yesterdays views were from a mobile devices which previously wouldn't be able to view my work! With some exciting new projects coming soon it couldn't be better timed. It gives me great pleasure to say that the site is now up and running, viewable from almost any device.

This site will see a constant stream of updates over the coming months including some exciting new functionality and personal project coverage. Be sure to check out the new website, located at and keep an eye out for future developments.

Let's go mobile...

In preparation for this year's increased blogging it was time to update the site with abit more functionality. Mobile Phones are a necessity commonality these days, and with a great little widget called 'WPTouch' you can now create a mobile version of your blog site for easier compatability/faster loading times. As of today, logging onto my blog site will automatically re-direct your mobile devices to the specific mobile version which still remains all funcationality of the full site (Comments, Pictures, Search etc) Let me know what you all think...

A blog post isn't right without pictures, so here's some of my recent uploads to FlickR:

Wind Farm, Cornwall


Portland Bill, Dorset

The first photograph was taken using my new B+W ND110 77mm Filter. New blog post to follow shortly about this fantastic piece of kit.

Clicking any of the images will take you through to the assosciated FlickR page where you can find information on how where and why they were taken.