
What noise does a cow make?

Moo are an online award winning print business, one which print tantalising business cards! I've been in the market for new business cards since making the move to a full time freelancer, and as such when I heard they had launched their new 'Rounded Edge Business Cards' I had to take a look. Now this is no lie, but approximately 20 minutes after loading I had successfully placed my order of 200 rounded edge business cards with 12 varying print designs. As a photographer, this prospect is fantastic as not only do I get great quality business cards, I also get an array of my portfolio images to show clients. This allows me to tailor which business card I give to which client, i.e. the 'Tai Chi Swayze' band image can be given to any potential band shoots...Marvellous!

It should also be said that, not only do they sell great products, but their customer service is second to none. Unfortunately I had a slightly error with one of my cards, in the fact it came back too dark. A quick e-mail to Moo customer service and a response within a few short hours meant it was being reprinted and sent out to me as a priority! Highly recommended from me, and I shall definitely be using their service in the very near future.

If your interested in getting some of these gems for yourself, feel free to click this link to receive 10% off your first order.