
Event - David Hobby's Strobist Seminar

David Hobby, the famous creator of 'Strobist' is known world over. With that in mind, as soon as 'The Flash Centre' announced his tour of the UK my ticket was purchased within a matter of minutes. A one day seminar, based around using small light sources and balancing them correctly to produce your desired look ranging from natural to dramaticly lit portraits. The morning consisted of a presentation, with questions fired back and forth between David and the audience. This created a great rapport between everyone and gave a relaxed open atmosphere to the day.

In the afternoon, the format shifted from discussion to live demonstrations. Below is a photograph of Dave taking a shot and then analysing it on the tethered projector. Really interesting to see how he works, interacts and builds his shots.

The Brunswick Gallery even had celebrity guest appearances in the form of Drew Gardner, but where's his PhaseOne!? :D

It was a pleasure to meet both Drew and David on the day. If your lucky, you might be able to catch David at his last few locations on the UK tour. Highly recommended!

Event - Damien Lovegrove: My Photography Unraveled

'Turn the world, into your studio' was something that stuck in my head from tonights seminar with Damien Lovegrove. One of the most influential and entrepreneurial photographers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. It's the way that he works and conducts his shoots which enthrals me. Everything is fast-paced and formulated, with the results speaking for themselves. With a wealth of knowledge he is renowned for being one of the forefront trainers in photography offering a wide range of training workshops, DVDs and books. The seminar showcased 120 of his favourite portraits, most of which captured his 'punchy' portrait style proving that a simple lighting rig can provide dramatic and effective results. On an 'adhoc' basis, everyone was free to pitch questions throughout the seminar about his various shots/style etc whilst he described how each photograph was shot and lit. You'll have to excuse the iPhone picture!

Having watched the DVDs (and just ordered the book solely on how impressed I was after the seminar) it was a real eye-opener, and has filled me with even more enthusiam for what I  love doing. I highly recommend checking out his blog site Prophotonut or his company website Lovegrove Consulting.